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Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Labour launches a new national refuge fund

Labour launches proposals for a new national refuge fund, proposals which include:
  • The next Labour Government will establish a National Refuge Fund to provide up to £3million per annum over the next Parliament to support the continuation of a national network of refuges.
  • A 31% cut in funding for refuges and specialist advice is undermining action against domestic violence.
  • In some areas, including Chester and Devon, there is no specialist refuge provision at all (Women’s Aid).
  • Refuges have been disproportionately hit by cuts to local government – with work from Sylvia Walby showing a reduction from £7.8million to £5.4million.
  • According to Women’s Aid, 8 refuges are under imminent threat of closure and are currently running on reserves.
  • Labour’s commitment is fully funded, through a small percentage of the savings from abolishing the expensive Police and Crime Commissioner elections.
Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said: "In every part of the country refuges and services for women and children suffering from domestic violence are being closed due to the callous attitude of this Government. Theresa May’s failure to act means victims are being left with no support and being abandoned. Refuges provide vital support for women and children. Local specialist services that have a track record of successfully helping women and children need our support and that's what we will do."