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Thursday, 25 September 2014

Labour say UKIP are "more Tory than the Tories"

UKIP claim to be on the side of working people, but Labour say on the two key issues that will define the election - the NHS and living standards - "UKIP are more Tory than the Tories."

The Labour party say that analysis of UKIP's tax plans show they are standing up for millionaires and the richest, not ordinary hardworking people, and are offering a tax cut worth more than £100,000 to more than 16,00 millionaires. 

Labour also claim that analysis of UKIP health policy sows that they support increased privatisation and GP charging. UKIP is a party of Tory money, Tory people and Tory policies.

Labour's Michael Dugher said: "UKIP claim to be on the side of working people, but the truth is they're more Tory than the Tories. UKIP is a party of Tory people and Tory money. Now they want to go even further than the Tories by giving another tax cut to millionaires." 

Continuing Mr Dugher said: "This multi-billion giveaway to the very richest at a time when families are struggling exposes Nigel Farage's fraudulent claims to be a friend of hard-working families."

Concluding Michael Dugher said: "Ex-Tory, ex-banker Nigel Farage is showing his true colours. Tory and UKIP policy platforms are merging: tax breaks for those at the top, working people left behind. Only Labour has a plan to raise living standards for all."