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Friday, 24 October 2014

91% back John Mann over right to recall

Labour MP for Bassetlaw John Mann has welcomed the backing of his constituents as it confirms his support for the right to recall MPs. Of the almost 3,000 Bassetlaw residents who have so far responded, 91% backed the right for constituents to be able to call a by-election should their Member of Parliament be found guilty of wrongdoing.

Commenting John Mann said: "I have long argued for a Recall Bill since the beginning of the expenses scandal in 2009. I am delighted that the people of Bassetlaw so comprehensively agree with me on this issue. It is clear that the British people overwhelmingly support the Bill which will give them the ability to hold MPs to account between elections."

"There have been recent examples of MPs completely failing their constituents and it is absolutely right that people should be able to sack them when this happens."