Millions of lives could be improved by the introduction of the first ever maximum waiting times for NHS mental health services, according to the charity Rethink Mental Illness. The announcement has been made by the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg and is part of a five-year plan by Health Minister Norman Lamb and NHS Chief Executive, Simon Stevens.
The plan commits to introducing maximum waiting times across mental health services by 2020. Unlike other NHS services, there have never been maximum waiting times for mental health. This will be rolled out in stages, with waiting times introduced sooner for some key services. For example, the aim is that at least 50% of people experiencing a first episode of psychosis, will not have to wait longer than two weeks for treatment by 2016. The aim is to increase this percentage in future years.
‘Achieving Better Access to Mental Health Services by 2020’ also includes a commitment to spend an extra £40m on some mental health services this year and a further £80m in 2015/16.
Mark Winstanley, CEO of Rethink Mental Illness said: "This is a watershed moment for everyone affected by mental illness and has the potential to improve the lives of millions. No one should have to wait months or even years for potentially life-changing treatment, just because they have a mental health problem rather than a physical one. Together with our supporters, we have been campaigning for maximum waiting times for many years."
Continuing Mr Winstanley commented: "It’s vital that the NHS, Department of Health and Ministers now work together to ensure their commitment to bring in waiting times across all mental health services, becomes a reality by 2020. We are also pleased that this plan includes more funding for crucial early intervention services for people with psychosis. Our Lost Generation report demonstrated how effective these services are, how they save the NHS money in the long term and how important it is to investment in them."
Concluding Mark Winstanley said: "This is a significant step towards putting mental and physical health on an equal footing. Our supporters have been calling for transformational change which will help more people get support when they need it. Although we still have a long way to go before that becomes a reality, this is an important move in the right direction."