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Sunday, 5 October 2014

Lib Dems propose tougher steps to tackle child abuse

A raft of measures aimed at tackling child abuse and protecting whistleblowers were backed by Liberal Democrats today. Baroness Joan Walmsley and Baroness Sal Brinton said current rules did not go far enough and more needed to done to protect victims and people wanting to report abuse.

Baroness Walmsley said: "Child abuse is abhorrent and can cause lasting physical, emotional and psychological damage to victims and their families. Inquiries have repeatedly found some professionals failing to report concerns about child protection, which has resulted in further abuse. This can't go on a minute longer."

A motion was passed calling for laws to make sure staff working with children are legally obliged to report known or suspected incidents of abuse. It said greater protection should also be offered to whistleblowers to report child abuse without fear of impact on their job.

Calls were also made for a Government campaign to ensure children feel confident about coming forward. Baroness Sal Brinton added: "Abuse cannot be ignored. If you have even the slightest suspicion a victim is being abused, the law should say: 'report it'."