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Friday, 3 October 2014

LibDemVoice exclusive survey of party members

An exclusive poll of 735 Lib Dem party members for shows 80%continue to support Coalition – but two-thirds expect party to slip below 40 MPs at next election

Key findings:
  • By 80%-17% Lib Dem members continue to support being in Coalition with the Conservatives
  • Satisfaction with Nick Clegg’s leadership now stands at +2%. 50% are satisfied, 48% dissatisfied.
  • 67% of party members expect the Lib Dems to retain 40 or fewer seats next May.
  • 54% think the party is on the right course, 56% approve of the Coalition’s record.
  • By 60% - 40% Lib Dems think the party is achieving influence in government.
Full results are available here

Stephen Tall, Co-Editor of LibDemVoice, comments: "Lib Dem members are a resilient bunch. Even though all the opinion polls shows the party’s support slashed since 2010, backing for the Coalition remains pretty much as high as it was when it was first formed. However, that does not mean party members are blind to the dangers. Two-thirds expect to see the number of Lib Dem MPs drop below 40. The challenge for Nick Clegg at this conference is clear – to prove to a sceptical party that he has what it takes to ensure the Lib Dems are in a position next May to hold onto the hard-won gains of the past two decades."

1,600 Lib Dem paid-up party members are registered with 735 responded to this survey, which was conducted between 12th-16th September, 2014.