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Monday 15 September 2014

Fourth pre-poll donations and loans report at Scottish Independence Referendum published

One hundred and thirty thousand pounds in donations to registered campaigners at the Scottish Independence Referendum have been reported to the Electoral Commission in its fourth and final pre-poll donations and loans report.

Under the Scottish Independence Referendum Act, registered campaigners must complete pre-poll reports setting out what donations and loans they have received over £7,500 between commencement of the Act (18 December 2013) and 5 September 2014.

This fourth pre-poll report covers the period from 22 August 2014 to 5 September 2014. Any campaigner that registered after the deadline for the first pre-poll report (3 July) must report any reportable donations or loans dating back to 18 December 2013.

There were two registered campaigners with reportable donations.

Outcome: Yes
  • Yes Scotland Limited (designated lead campaigner) - £120,000
Outcome: No
  • Let’s Stay Together - £10,000
Thirty registered campaigners submitted a declaration that they had no reportable donations. There were no donations that should have been reported in a previous publication. No registered campaigners submitted any reportable loans or credit facilities. Since the third pre-poll donations and loans publication two campaigners have registered with the Electoral Commission.

Details of all reportable donations and loans to registered campaigners, including the total amount for all four reporting periods can be seen on the: Electoral Commission Website This is the first time voters anywhere in the UK have been able to see how campaigners at a referendum are financed before they cast their vote.