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Monday 27 October 2014

Just 1 in 10 MPs support recall ahead of key debate

Today is the first day of committee stage for the Recall of MPs Bill. Top of the list for debate are Zac Goldsmith’s amendments, which would give voters the power to recall their MP if a majority lose confidence in them. 

Goldsmith’s alternative plan for recall has attracted cross-party support, with 1 in 10 MPs endorsing his amendments. Under the existing Bill, a parliamentary committee would retain the right to determine whether an MP can be recalled. David Cameron and Nick Clegg have signalled that the Bill represents the “minimum acceptable” form of recall.

Unlock Democracy has published a report - Real Recall: a blueprint for recall in the UK  - supporting the case for voters to be given the power to recall their MP. 

The report addresses how real recall would work in a party-based system like Westminster, examining case studies where recall would strengthen the individual accountability of MPs without compromising the collective accountability of a government at the ballot box. These include misconduct, failure to represent constituents, crossing the floor and breaking electoral promises.

Commenting on the debate on Zac Goldsmith’s recall amendments, Alexandra Runswick, Director of Unlock Democracy, said: "No one is happy with the government’s Recall Bill, which is so restrictive that a successful recall would be a once in a lifetime event. The Bill does not empower voters and will do nothing to rebuild public confidence in Parliament. David Cameron and Nick Clegg have effectively disowned this Bill, admitting it is the “minimum acceptable” form of recall.

MPs now have the opportunity to make themselves genuinely accountable to their constituents. Zac Goldsmith’s amendments will give voters the power to recall their MP, rather than leaving a committee of MPs to decide. Real recall would give voters the power to sack an underperforming or dishonest MP - as would happen in any other job. MPs should trust voters and support Zac Goldsmith’s amendments for real recall.”